Smet Torwat's Four Finishers

 We wanted to talk to Smet Torwat after the match against the Deadmonton Drillers, but he needed some time to calm down. While he is not exactly calm, he is in control enough to talk to us now.

While we are aware of your immediate reactions after you were fouled, dead, and the resuscitated from the immediate rage on the field, what are your thoughts now?

"I'm frustrated with the coach as he's been trying to take the 'high road' and play the game without any extra violence, but that's going to change whether he likes it or not. I've been talking with some of the other linemen. Some of us have come to an understanding. Jho the Scrubber, Kitro Kreshin, Yin Kumaro, and myself are now the Four Finishers. We have made some upgrades to our uniforms and should the opportunity arise, we aim to finish players on the ground. Forget the coach's desired honor."

So you have formed a small faction within your own team?

"Yes. I tried to get everyone on board, but some of them wouldn't have it. They still want to see the coach's original vision for them."

Jho the Scrubber is one of your Four Finishers? I thought you and he were not on the same page.

"I still don't think he should have been named MVP either of the times he's been given the title. The fact is that it is during his offense that he is usually moved to the sideline. He's still an idiot and a poor player, but that just means that if he is removed because an official calls him for fouling, the team doesn't lose a 'real' player. Just Jho."

What is your goal here? What are you trying to accomplish?

"I have played four games with the Flame Wings. I have been fouled three times. One resulted in an injury. One resulted in my brief death, which has earned me the nickname 'The Corpse' among my teammates. We are often out numbered in the second half and I'm sick of it. It's time to take the opponents off the field by any means. It's about safety for my teammates, even if they don't see this issue the same as I do."

How does the coach feel about these plans?

"He's not thrilled with it. He still has his ideals that he's clinging to, but he also sees that things aren't working. In preparation for the next game, he hired another linemen, Asel Niff. He saw necessary to empty the team's budget due to potential players, specifically the Four Finishers, being sidelined for fouling."

Do you think your approach will work?

"I don't know, but I'm not going to sit back and hope anymore. Look. We have heard the news that the coach may get moved to another team at the end of the season. All we can do is push for winning and maybe some fame. If we can make the Flame Wings of Caledor appeal to the investors and advertisers that have the coach and this media outlet in their pockets, maybe the team can return next season. The less positive view is that if we are going to go down, I want to take some others with me."


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