Flame Wings of Caledor vs. Plague Inc - Week 1

The Flame Wings chose to receive the first kick off.

They move quickly with Nyt Hona scoring on turn 3.

On Plague Inc's turn 3 they foul Smet Torwal giving him a Serious Injury(MNG, +1 to future injury rolls)

The next turn, Yin Kumaro retaliates with a block that injures Geoffroi Pustules(Badly Hurt)

Soi 'Sparrow' Dang injures Rotspawn Ando in turn 5, but Ando regenerated. (I didn't catch the original injury and my log was closed in my video)

Nyt Hona blocks and gives the Rotter Wahla 'the Blood Archon' the injury of death in turn 7.

On Plague Inc's turn 8, the Rotter Alberic had been lucky enough to gather a ball scattered from a teammate going down the previous turn, and keep it in his hands. He was then able to dodge away from the elves and successfully hand it off to the Pestigor Morgor who then took it in for the score.

Tied 1-1 at halftime.

The next three turns is a fight that prevents Plague Inc from getting the ball across the line of scrimmage.

On turn 12, Yin Kumaro is injured by a block made on him by Rotspawn Ando resulting in MNG and +1 to future injuries.

Plague Inc struggles to move the ball getting only 2 spaces across the line. Flame Wings push back and knock the ball loose.

By turn 15 Ruhntinimas has the ball on Plague Inc's 8 yard line, stuck on the sideline marked by two Rotters. Another Elf comes into throw a block trying to free the ball carrier which is half successful with a push. Ruhntinimas has to take a step backwards which makes scoring impossible. He runs towards the middle to the 18 yard line. I was unwilling to risk the rushes to get closer. No rerolls for either player at this point. A lone might be able to make it, but it will require rushes and possible a block to eliminate a dodge or require a dodge.

The block clears the dodge, 2 rushes made with 6s, and a block resulting in both down. The ball is on the 20 and Ruhntinimas is stunned.

Blitzer Emsi 'the Guardian' would have to dodge out, pick up the ball, and pass a rush to score. He fails the dodge.

Game Over. 1-1


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