Flame Wings of Caledor vs. Con-Artists - Week 4
The Flame Wings win the coin toss and choose to receive the ball. They make a small push and get the ball inside a cage formation. The Con-Artists forced their Rat Ogre into the cage marking Nyt Hona, who was carrying the ball. As can be expected from these lesser races, the Lineman Mephyn fouls a journeyman, who had been knocked to the ground, injuring him.
The game conitnued with a solid effort from the Flame Wings towards the goal, but the ball was lost and the gutter runner’s speed is not to be under estimated as they ran down the sideline side-stepping blocks that were thrown. The Con-Artists score first during the Flame Wings’ initial kick off reception.
The Flame Wings start the next drive by punching through the middle of Con-Artists’ defensive formation. The blitzer Trondjte was itching to get a hit on Ikely Hoarder, the gutter runner, but the rat was able to dodge the attempt. The Rat Ogre forces it’s way in to mark the ball carrier again, but is pushed to the ground by a journeyman and knocked out.
The prior report of the Flame Wings stalling for 2 turns is exaggerated as it was only a single turn to prevent the violence of the vermin on the line of scrimmage. During the Skaven’s final turn of the drive, they surrounded the prone elf, Yin Kumaro, and again Mephyn attempts to foul him. The elf lineman was stunned, but this did not escape the referee’s view and Mephyn is sidelined for the remainder of the game. The Flame Wings score on their turn 8 bringing the game to a 1-1 tie.
The Con-Artists get a final turn before half time which they knocked out Zep Norre, but were unable to accomplish anything else.
The second half starts with a one player advantage for the Con-Artists since they had an extra player to take the place of the expelled Mephyn. After the kick off, the rat ogre runs down the sideline to hit Nyt Hona resulting in a serious injury. Since this is the first game since the butchering the Flame Wings received in their second game against Plague Inc., the coach calls for the newly hired apothecary. The apothecary does his work and Nyt Hona is on the sideline, shaken up a bit, but can return to the game in the next drive.
The Skaven Gutter Runner runs up the sideline defended by a lineman and the Rat ogre. With some coordination and a little luck, the defenses are compromised with Yin Kumaro injuring the rat lineman Iss. The Gutter Runner is marked by two elves on the edge of the pitch. But it is not enough to hold Ikely Hoarder from scoring. The score is 1-2 on the Flame Wings turn 10.
The teams start this drive with even strength at ten players each. The Flame Wings start by sending a journeyman to mark the Rat Ogre. With the Rat Ogre distracted, the ball is taken to the opposite side of the field. The Con-Artists don’t make much of a defense to stop the Flame Wings’ progress. Rat Lineman Bogo makes a failed block against Ruhntinimas injuring himself.
Here the Flame Wings stall for a turn and in a lack of discipline Trondjte goes for a foul on Ikely Hoarder resulting in a stun. When confronted by his coach, Trondjte says that he got confused with all of the missed blocks that had been made on the Gutter Runner, he thought he was standing.
The Rat Ogre makes a sprint for Nyt Hona who is standing on the goal line, but he trips and stuns himself.
Here the Flame Wings see an opportunity to stall again, looking for a chance to snag an injury in order to earn the casualty bonus with two inflicted already. This goal was not accomplished. During the next turn, the Skaven, Diskount, attempted to dodge away from three elves and tripped resulting in a head injury. Nuffle has a strange sense of humor.
Nyt Hona crosses the goal line. Tie game at 2-2 with each team having 2 turns left.
Elves start with 9 players, Ruhntinimas had been knocked out dodging from the Rat Ogre in the last drive and the injured journeyman from the turn 1 foul. The Con-Artists have 8 players on the field due to 3 injuries and an expelled player.
The Rat Ogre charges again immediately after the kick off and injures Yin Kumaro(MNG). Then a block is made on the line of scrimmage and results in a both down.
Trondjte sees that the middle is weak and blitzes the lineman. After shoving the rat to the ground he runs to mark the ball which is sitting on the 12 yard line. The remaining elf journeyman tries to dodge through to help cover the ball, but ends up falling on the ground.
The Con-Artists try to clear the ball, but Trondjte side steps the attempt keeping the ball marked. Another rat runs from the goal line picks up the marked ball, but fails to dodge away and is knocked out from hitting the pitch. The ball scatters back to the 8 yard line.
The Flame Wings’ coach assesses the situation. Only Trondjte is in range to score, but he will lose that if moves back to pick up the ball. Trondjte and the ball are both marked by Skaven, but the coach sees a plan. He sets up for a block that will give a chance at clearing the ball and pushing the other rat off the Blitzer waiting to score. Soi Dang makes the block and everything is going according to plan.
Without testing Nuffle more than necessary, Nyt Hona is the only chance of picking up the ball and just making it far enough to hand it off to Trondjte to score. Nyt Hona runs, snags the ball, and hands it off to Trondjte, who then runs with ease for the touch down.
The Flame Wings of Caledor win and a gain the bonus point for touchdowns.
We asked the Flame Wings coach for any additional remarks and he responded with this:
“In regards to the slander referring to The Flame Wings of Caledor as cowards, I’d like to point out that the team strength was 815 to 1020. We are coming off a beating handed to us by Plague Inc during week 3. In which game we were still fighting at the end of the game with only 4 elves on the field. A team calling us cowards after fouling a journeyman on turn 1. These rats have no sense of honor. They also claimed we stalled for 5 turns while it was, in reality, only 3. You can choose to believe whoever you want, but are you really going to trust a rat over an elf? They’re still more trustworthy than orcs, but that’s like saying a knife is sharper than an apple. A no brainer.”
Smet Torwat also remarked: "We won because it was the first game we played without that damn locker room janitor Jho the Scrubber on the field. The coach should really fire that guy."
The Flame Wings of Caledor have acquired a Thrower Yodlam Elran. The Flame Wings coach said he's been asking the owners to expand the roster, but after the disaster in week 3 the apothecary became the priority. With the win against Con-Artists this week, the funds were secured to add a player. The coach is hopeful that the addition of Elran will add some strategic possibilities and help alleviate any on field injuries with the 12th player.
Yodlam Elran said that he was happy to join the Flame Wings and will do his part in moving the team up the rankings. He also stated how glad he was when he looked at the division to find that only 6 greenskins could be in this playpool.
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